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Situation in which there is a balance between birth and death rates. In this case greater productivity produces direct benefits in the form of higher per capita income. Situation où il existe un équilibre entre les taux de natalité et de mortalité. Dans ce cas précis, une productivité supérieure entraîne nécessairement des revenus par habitant plus élevés. Situación en la que existe un equilibrio entre natalidad y mortalidad. Collection of institutions, instruments and methods of payment that make up international liquidity and treasury.

The monetary system also includes the economic principles and philocophies that govern the fixing of exchange rates and the solving of imbalances in the balance of payments. Ensemble des institutions, conventions et règles de comportement présidant aux règlements des échanges internationaux. Conjunto de instituciones y reglas en torno al FMI, que mantienen una malla de relaciones entre los países, para hacer posible el desarrollo fluido de los pagos internacionales.

The bulk of the evidence suggests that the level of interest tends to cancel out of consumption and saving decisions Debt charges are a function of the stock of debt outstanding and the level of interest rates. Les frais de la dette sont fonction de l'encours total de la dette et du niveau des taux d'intérêt. The sale by a business of its book debts to a factoring company, who will pay the business the face value of the total of the invoices, less a discount which will take into consideration : the fee, interest rates appertaining at the time, risk of non-payment, etc.

The seller of the invoices will do so in order to improve his cash flow. The factoring company, will not necessarily offer any other service, such as guarantee of bad debts, sales ledger accounting, etc. Dictionary of Banking. Pitman Publishing, ]. In short invoice discounting is an acceleration of cash flow.

A hypothetical life table for a population or a segment of a population constructed on the basis of the current age-sex specific death rates of all age-sex groups in the population. The nominal rate adjusted for local rates of inflation compared to those of trading partners. Mais l'indice en question dépend aussi du taux de change effectif, c'est-à-dire du rapport entre la valeur du change, majorée du taux d'imposition douanière, et le niveau général des prix dans le pays.

All changes in rates are to take place in an orderly way. Most of the time, there is to be international stability. There is also provision for flexibility when needed, which is better by far than waiting for a great smash. Si le gouvernement ne concentre pas tous ses efforts sur ces problèmes, l'Espagne risquerait de se «mexicaniser».

La multiplication des scandales de corruption ébranle la confiance des investisseurs et fait peser, dans une hypothèse extrême, le risque d'un effondrement financier. Rate card : A card or folder issued by a publication or broadcasting network or station, listing its advertising rates and mechanical and related requirements. Le contrat au tonnage des marchandises entreposées.

If public policy succeeds in stepping up net investment by militant easy credit or other policies, how can consumption spending be cut down to prevent excessive dollar demands from precipitating inflation? Primarily, by having the government pursue an austere fiscal policy; raising tax rates and cutting down on marginal expenditures, thereby contriving a chronic budget surplus to offset easy money.

A raise in pay for workers whose rates have traditionally been related to the rates of another group, following a raise for that group. Augmentation de salaire accordée à un groupe d'employés parce qu'une augmentation semblable a déjà été octroyée à un premier groupe. Rail tariff which publishes rates according to freight classification.

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Tarif ferroviaire indiquant les prix de transport selon la classification des marchandises. We had to take it into account when, as in , we wished to lower interest rates in order to help achieve full-employment levels of investment The authority governing the application of rates and charges for freight, demurrage, detention, etc. Document officiel dont les barèmes et les dispositions régissent l'application des prix du transport, des redevances de stationnement ordinaires ou spéciales, etc.

SAM 1, fiche 51, Français, - apporter. These wage rates will be set just higher enough to equate demand and supply. Taux de salaire prépondérant. The ISR data were acquired from a multi-stage probability sample that is representative of the non-institutionalized Canadian population aged 18 and over when weighted to correct for differential rates and oversampling. See Consolidated Regulations of Canada C.

Voir la Codification des règlements du Canada C. In depressed times, the level of excess reserves depends more on the attitudes of banks toward the interest rates they can earn than on their fears that withdrawals will catch them unaware. If all wage rates rise, it is dangerous to suppose that commodity prices will remain constant. Turn to Fig. If loopholes were closed and the erosion of the tax base corrected, rates on all income levels could be cut without revenue loss.

The external theories find the root of the business cycle in the fluctuations of something outside the economic system-in sunspot cycles, in wars, revolutions, and political events, in gold discoveries, rates of growth of population and migrations, discoveries of new land and resources, and scientific and technological discoveries and innovations. Historical studies suggest that, for America and the West generally, the tendency toward falling interest rates via diminishing returns has been just about canceled out by technological progress : though real wage rates have been rising, the real interest return on capital has not been generally falling in this century as would have been expected from a primitive classical analysis of capital accumulation.

Note that advantages of trade have nothing to do with relative wage rates. Under free trade, a country's wage tend to be pulled up to higher levels of productivity of its export industry, not down to the low-efficiency level of its import industry. The principal weapons of discretionary fiscal policy-programs which involve explicit public decision making are 1 varying public works and other expenditure programs, 2 varying transfer-expenditure programs, and 3 varying tax rates cyclically. Even if foreseen, such a crawl in parity is not great enough to tempt out an avalanche of speculation.

But it produces enough flexibility to permit a 10 or 15 per cent adjustment of exchange rates over a decade! These wage rates will be set just high enough to equate demand and supply. The demand for money consists of a transaction demand importantly related to income, and a precautionary or asset demand much dependent on interest and profit rates , and on wealth, volatile expectations, risk aversion, and speculative price expectations.

After a union has been recognized by an NLRB election as the exclusive bargaining agent, management and labor representatives meet together to negotiate a contract fixing wage rates , work conditions, productivity standards, degree of union recognition, seniority rights, and grievance procedures. Forget about the balance of payments. Let supply and demand intersect to produce whatever pattern of exchange rates will clear the market. The rate of return should be higher because the franchisee's investment is at greater risk.

Pastures that are used in the rainy season [in the Sahel] remain nevertheless very sensitive to excessive stocking rates. Above a certain critical threshold, the herbaceous cover deteriorates. Thus, on sandy soils, there appear small dunes with herbaceous vegetation Cependant, en cas de manque d'eau le gros bétail [des nomades en Afrique du Nord] pâture sur les "bodera", pâturages dunaires.

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America's gold drain long covered up Critics fear that raising such ceilings [the rates banks can pay on time deposits] would make money tighter. Actually, the reverse happened in , as competitive economic theory predicted it would the member banks retained more funds than they otherwise would have, and the shift toward more time deposits at first had the good effect of keeping down the long-term interest rates Primarily by having the government pursue an austere fiscal policy; raising tax rates and cutting down on marginal expenditures, thereby contriving a chronic budget surplus to offset easy money.

The highest [growth] rates are invariably found in the branching corals, such as the West Indian elkhorn and staghorn corals.

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Les croissances les plus rapides s'observent chez des coraux branchus tels que les coraux "en corne d'élans" ou en "corne de cerf" des Indes occidentales. Encouraging workers to change jobs by offering higher pay rates. Pratique d'une organisation qui vise à attirer dans ses rangs des travailleurs qui sont déjà au service d'une autre entreprise en leur offrant une rémunération supérieure.

In the above examples we encounter interest rates that varied Dans ces exemples, nous avons cité des taux d'intérêt variant SAM 1, fiche 79, Français, - citer. These high acceleration and feed rates are complemented by control system resolutions of 0. Pour atteindre des valeurs aussi élevées, il faut que le pourvoir discriminateur du système de commande soit égal ou inférieur à 0. CC Gen. Automatic flare control might be mandatory because of the high rates of descent Un contrôle automatique de l'arrondi pourra s'avérer indispensable en raison des taux [ The railways have changed the basis of direct rates This plan involves establishment of two piece rates : one for above-average output and one for average and below-average performance.

Taylor a techniquement amélioré le salaire aux pièces en payant un salaire par pièce d'autant plus élevé que le nombre de pièces produites dans un temps donné augmente. Hours in excess of this ceiling are prohibited or compensated at penalty overtime rates. Accédez à une collection de ressources canadiennes sur tous les aspects du français et de l'anglais, y compris des jeux.

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Fiche 1, Justifications, Anglais Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF The lowest pulse repetition rate of each of the several sets of closely spaced repetition rates in a loran system. Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie Aides à la navigation aérienne Aides à la navigation fluviale et maritime. Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Français. Fiche 1, Justifications, Français. Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Espagnol. Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Espagnol. Fiche 1, Justifications, Espagnol. Fiche 2, La vedette principale, Anglais railing 1, fiche 2, Anglais, railing correct.


Fiche 2, Les abréviations, Anglais. Fiche 2, Les synonymes, Anglais. Fiche 2, Justifications, Anglais Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 DEF Radar pulse jamming at high recurrence rates 50 to kilohertz ;it results in an image on a radar indicator resembling fence railing. Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie Guerre électronique. Fiche 2, Les abréviations, Français. Fiche 2, Les synonymes, Français. Fiche 2, La vedette principale, Espagnol empalizada 1, fiche 2, Espagnol, empalizada correct, nom féminin.

Fiche 2, Les abréviations, Espagnol.

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Fiche 2, Les synonymes, Espagnol.